Category Archives: Badware News
Infolinks is advertising network that utilizing pay-per-click system. It is NOT a computer infection. It displays advertisements within a web text by inserting an advertisement into main keywords. If you are seeing Infolinks advertisements at a particular website, it means the owner of the website in question has permitted Infolinks to display these advertisements. So it it easy to see that this advertising program is neither a browser hijacker nor an internet browser extension. ...
Fake Microsoft Tech Support Calls
Almost every computer user is familiar with some type of online fraud which he or she may encounter. It could be drive-by download, phishing websites or spam emails. Recently it has been noticed that computer users start complaining about fake phone calls which are said to be related to Microsoft Windows operating system. ...
Hackers take down Facebook accounts
Whether you use your Facebook account on a daily basis or you login once in a while, you need to be extra cautious about the virtual scams which may lurk for you. If you have already faced the clandestine Facebook has Changed their Privacy Settings Once More scam, you must recognize that cyber criminals could hide behind your friends, colleagues, family and other Facebook users. ...
Citadel Trojan
Citadel Trojan is a highly dangerous computer infection which has regained the attention of malware researchers as new attacks have been launched in European and Japanese institutions. Until now, the Trojan, a variant of the well-known Zeus malware, has been used for stealing personal information such as banking login data. Now Citadel Trojans is targeted at financial institutions. ...
Malware Researchers Unveil Rocra Malware
Even though most computer infections are targeted at personal systems and regular Windows users, some of them are much more cunning. Rocra is the newest detection that has raised turmoil within European agencies administering diplomatic and governmental departments. Needless to say, whatever happens behind the doors of national authorities can affect the lives of the general public as well. ...
WinWebSec Deception Continues with Delta Airlines Scam
Such WinWebSec family rogue antispywares as Live Security Platinum and Smart Fortress 2012 are tremendously successful, and have generated illicit profits from thousands of Windows users everywhere. Despite the despicable amounts of money cyber criminals have managed to gather with the assistance of these dangerous infections, ...